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Big Sky Canvas Wall Tents

We just finished this custom Wall Tent that is perfect for your next adventure! Hunting season is just around the corner in most parts of the country. Our wall tents are made from Sunforger Marine Finish canvas. This fabric contains a special added compound that gives greater water repellency and mildew resistance. Expect limited exposure shrinkage of approximately 3% under normal use.  Our Sunforger wall tents have a 5' wall with 9' ridge standard, zippered front door with flap and tent bag. We have geared up for the season and look forward to talking with you about your tent needs. Give us a call, stop on by or visit our website.   

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Wall Tent Rolled Out Today

We just finished this one of a kind Wall Tent today.  It has a custom sod floor, made out of Sunforger high grade canvas and is perfect for your next adventure.  Our customer wanted multiple windows a stove jack and a screen on the main door. Big Sky Canvas is a leading manufacturer of hand crafted custom products. We have been honing our trade for over 40 years. Our products are built to last generations.

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