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Summer Fun On Your Horse

Are you looking for a summer outdoor activity?  If you have a horse that you haven't ridden in a while or know someone that has an extra one give them a ring to see if they want to go for a ride.   Many people are looking for different outdoor activities right now and riding a horse on a horseback trail ride, around the ranch or in the pasture is a great way to spend a day.  If you are in Montana and looking for different horseback riding spots feel free to reach out to us as we spend a lot of time with our horses out in the field.  Also, if you need horse packs, panniers, saddle bags or different...

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How To Keep Your Horse Warm During Winter

Wintertime can be a lot of fun for all the family but only if you’re prepared for the hazards that come with it. Read our advice to help keep your horse warm, happy and safe from danger during the cold spell.  Chilly winds can make horses spooky and unpredictable so be extra alert when handling and riding. Horses cope very well in cold temperatures – it is wind and rain that they can struggle with. If you can, provide a windbreak, like a field shelter or even a line of trees, to block some of the wind or rain. There are several winter blankets on the market to suit all types, from a thin rain sheet to a thick rug for fine-coated...

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