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What Are The Best Elk Recipes?

Hunting season is here and the Big Sky Canvas Team would like to share a couple of our favorite Elk Recipes with you! Stay safe and shoot straight.   Vegetarian- an old Indian term for bad hunter.   Elk Rump Roast With Chipotle Butter Ingredients 1 Elk Rump Roast (Venison would work too) 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt 1/2 teaspoon ground pepper 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika 1/2 teaspoon cumin 1/2 teaspoon oregano 1 teaspoon garlic powder Chipotle Butter In a bowl, mix together softened butter, chipotle peppers, adobo sauce, cumin and coriander. Roll out a piece of plastic wrap and place mixed butter in the center. Take one side of your plastic wrap and fold over the butter. Begin to roll...

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