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Give Springtime Wildlife Extra Space

Wildlife observation continues to be a highlight of camping trips. From birds to rabbits, reptiles to white-tailed deer, various wildlife species offer an abundant supply of natural entertainment. Observing wildlife in its natural environment can be pleasing in many ways, which normally becomes a highlight of a springtime camping or hiking excursion. Wildlife and human interactions can be a positive experience for both — if common sense, respect and space are kept between animal and observer. If the goal of the outing is to observe wildlife as close as possible, then being aware of a few facts will create less stress for the wild ones. When children are included, and hopefully they are, the experience can be even more rewarding as long...

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What do I do during a bear attack?

With of the bear attacks that went on last year, the Big Sky Canvas Team wants all of our customers and their friends and family to be safe while exploring bear country. If you’re fishing, camping or hiking in the woods of North America – predominantly Canada, Alaska, Wyoming Washington, Idaho, the Dakotas or Montana it’s  possible you could come across a large bear. We have put together a few recommendations for our hunters and hikers on what to do when on an outdoor pursuit in Bear Country.  Make Noise. When entering bear country, you should be sure to make noise to alert them to your presence. Talking, clapping or singing aloud could help remove any doubt about your intentions. Do not...

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Caring For Your Big Sky Canvas Wall Tent.

We here at Big Sky Canvas want to make sure you care for your investment properly. Our canvas tents have been used all over the United States in a variety of environments for 40+ years and are built to last generations. Like other fine pieces of equipment, tools, and clothing, proper maintenance is required. Here are a few tips to care for your Big Sky Canvas Wall Tent: Zipper Preservation: Have zipper unzipped when placing/removing wall tents over a frame to prevent too much stress on zipper. Set up Location: Be aware of which trees emit resins and avoid setting up under these types of trees. Set up tent: considering prevailing winds to keep sparks from blowing onto wall tents to prevent...

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How to Remove a Tick

Ticks are a part of nature. If you plan to get outside, chances are you could come in contact with one and even get bit. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, ticks are most active April through September. That's right, even the first part of deer season can have you hunting with ticks. Be vigilant during those months and take precautions to avoid contact with ticks, if possible, and repel them with DEET or Permethrin. If prevention fails, and you find a tick still embedded in your skin, then follow these steps from the CDC to remove it: How to Remove a Tick 1. Use fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the head (in the...

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Big Sky Canvas - 100% American Made

Why Should I Buy from a 100% American Made Company?  Produces Jobs for Upcoming Generations Manufacturing in the USA means guaranteed jobs for thousands of people. This happens because the more money that is invested in buying American-Made products, the more money will get put back into manufacturing American-Made goods. As this happens, the more the manufacturing sector will grow. By expanding the manufacturing sector, more jobs are created that in turn, will push more money back into the economy. This is a cycle that we can get behind. Generating a demand for American-made products means that more people will need to create those American-made products. MORE JOBS! Helps American Independence We as Americans have pride in our nation and in...

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