Boating Safety & Checklist

Big Sky Canvas cares about our customers safety while out on the water. Use this list as a guide to the supplies you should have for a boating trip. Your needs will vary depending on the type of boat, the water you will be in, and the activities planned. 

Items Required by Montana or Federal Law

  • Wearable Life Jackets (Types I, II or III)
  • Throwable PFD (Type IV for boats 16' or longer)
  • Fire Extinguisher(s) (motorboats)
  • Backfire Flame Arrester (motorboats)
  • entilation System (motorboats)
  • Whistle or Horn
  • Navigational Lights
  • Registration Document
  • Boat Number, Permanent Decal and Validation Decals

Pre-launch Checklist

  • Complete check for leaks; boat plug in
  • Motor in good operating condition
  • Propeller in good condition
  • Fuel tanks full
  • Suitable weather and water conditions
  • Passengers seated and briefed on emergency procedures; life jackets checked for fit
  • Properly stored and secured gear
  • Float plan left with responsible person on shore

Emergency Gear

  • Throw Rope/Bag
  • Signaling Mirror
  • Whistle (on life jacket)
  • Light/Strobe (on life jacket)
  • Rescue Blanket
  • Extra Warm Hats, Mittens, Socks
  • Emergency Position-Indicating Radio Beacon (EPIRB)
  • Matches (in a waterproof container), Lighter or Flint and Steel
  • Fire Starter
  • Water Purification Tablets, Filter or Purifier
  • Distress Signal Devices
  • Emergency Food and Water
  • Dry Bag(s)

Personal Comfort Items

  • Sunglasses
  • Sun Screen
  • Hat
  • Food
  • Water
  • Cooler
  • Warm Clothes
  • Seat Cushion(s)
  • Drysuit or Wetsuit & Boots
  • Insect Repellant
  • Binoculars

Recommended Items

  • Dewatering Device (bucket, bailer, bilge pump)
  • Anchor and Line
  • Mooring Lines
  • Extra Lines
  • Toolkit or Multipurpose Tool
  • Navigation Equipment (maps, compass, GPS)
  • Extra Paddle/Oar
  • Spare Parts (as appropriate)
  • Spare Prop (motorboats)
  • Weather Radio
  • Knife
  • Flashlight/Spotlight (with working batteries)
  • Communications Ability (VHF radio, CB radio, cell phone, satellite phone, 2-way radios)
  • First Aid Kit (in watertight, floating container)
  • Prescription Medicine
  • Repair Kit/Duct Tape
  • Boat Hook
  • Extra fuel/oil (motorboats)
  • A clean boat (remove mud and vegetation so aquatic nuisance species are not transported)


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