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Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove
Flap Jack Stove

Flap Jack Stove

Regular price $199.00
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The Flap Jack is an exceptionally light-weight stove.  It only weighs 7 lbs.  A 300 lb. man can stand on it, and it will not collapse!  It can boil a cup of water in 5-7 minutes, and it will store a mini shelf with 2 feet of 4" pipe in the fire box.  It will heat a small tent or ice house and will hold the heat for 1-2 hrs. 

Its dimensions are 7" x 9" x 15" with a 4" chimney hole.  It will fit almost anywhere and easily feeds 1-2 people.

Pare this stove with one of our canvas tents

Water Heater and Shelf pictured are sold separately. 

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